Sunday, June 16, 2019

UAE National Anthem
Arabic Song

To listen to the song of the week for our Babies, kindly click on the link below:
Five Little Airplanes

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup I, kindly click on the link below:

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup II, kindly click on the link below:
Five Little Airplanes
To listen to the song of the week for our Foundation Year, kindly click on the link below:
Winter Song

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The first three months are a time all about helping infants learn to feel safe, comfortable, secure, and curious about his or her world. Infants use sounds, facial expressions, and body movements to tell caregivers what they need and how they are feeling. When caregivers respond to infants’ cues with comfort and care, infants develop trust. As infants grow, they are active, responsive, and increasingly in control of their body. They offer smiles and communicate with a gaze and basic vocalizations. They begin to understand that people still exist even when they are out of sight. Their sense of security and well-being are totally dependent upon relationships with important caregivers.



Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In this age-group mostly toddlers watch others and imitate what they see. They are beginning to understand feelings of self and others. They are increasingly aware of themselves as separate from others and are becoming more enthusiastic about playing with peers. They are using skills to explore and discover the boundaries of what they can do. Loving relationships give toddlers a sense of comfort, safety, confidence, and encouragement to explore the world around them, and form new relationships.




Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In this age –group mostly, children start using language to express thoughts and feelings. They are using enhanced thinking skills to solve problems and take pride in their accomplishments. They now begin to understand how relationships work and that other people may feel differently from them. Loving relationships teach children how to form friendships, communicate emotions, and to deal with challenges. Strong, positive relationships also help children develop trust, empathy, compassion, and a sense of right and wrong.









Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children of this age-group mostly begin to learn impulse control and can now wait (for a very short time) for things to happen. Because of this new skill, they are able to learn how to share and take turns - although, for some, this can be a long journey. They are beginning to understand that other people have feelings that may be different from their own. They often get upset by seeing someone else upset. Children have a rich imagination, and love to play and be physically active. However, this means they may be scared of things too, or hesitate to try new things. Giving children the chance to play with other children from preschool or playgroup can help them develop friendships. The best way to nurture your preschooler's independence and self-confidence is to keep them their life fairly structured. Give them limited choices. When they ask to do something you know isn't a good idea, hold firm. Being allowed choices within a structured framework will help to boost their self-confidence while at the same time letting them know they are safe and secure.
















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