Monday, April 26, 2021

 Emergent Reading

At Little Oxford Nursery and Day Care, we view reading –related

 behaviors occurring before school as essential aspects of reading.

 Children learn these main aspects of emergent reading before formal

 schooling. We ensure that opportunities are provided to our young

 learners to learn to read.

في حضانة ليتل اكسفورد أند دي كير ، ننظر إلى السلوكيات المرتبطة

بالقراءة التي تحدث قبل المدرسة باعتبارها جوانب أساسية للقراءة.

يتعلم الأطفال هذه الجوانب الرئيسية للقراءة الناشئة قبل التعليم

الرسمي. نحن نضمن توفير الفرص للمتعلمين الصغار لدينا لتعلم


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Spring in the Nursery

Our Little Oxfordians, witnessed spring in their little nursery. They witnessed how spring brings green growth back to plants and trees.

Through role play and various other activities they learnt that spring is also the season where treesplants, and flowers start to bud, grow and bloom. There's also more sunlight compared to the cold winter. They took a drive out in the open to look outside during the spring, and they saw life all around them – from leaves on trees to blooming flowers, it was magical to observe.