Sunday, June 23, 2019

UAE National Anthem
Arabic Song

To listen to the song of the week for our Babies, kindly click on the link below:
Five Little Airplanes

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup I, kindly click on the link below:

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup II, kindly click on the link below:
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
To listen to the song of the week for our Foundation Year, kindly click on the link below:
Rain Song

Supporting Thinking Skills in Children
Babies are active and curious learners, busy watching, thinking and trying to work things out. They learn and grow through new experiences, especially new play experiences. Through play, babies develop the skills to think, understand, communicate, remember, imagine and work out what might happen next. These skills are all part of a baby’s cognitive development. For babies, play is mostly about back-and-forth interactions with adults. When adults interact with babies during play, they give them important information that they use to understand the world. Consistent, nurturing experiences help babies make sense of the world around them. These experiences literally build their brain architecture.






Toddlers are little scientists. They are eager to figure out how everything works. They do this through “experiments.” They might throw a ball to the ground and see that it bounces, then throw a doll to see what it will do. They also learn to use objects as tools—for example, using a stick to try to get an out-of-reach toy. Their growing memory takes on an important role in helping them learn. For example, they imitate what they see others do, even hours or days later. Therefore, it is important that we follow their lead and create lots of chances for toddlers to “test out” the new ideas and concepts they are learning.






Toddlers have a greater understanding of the world around them by this stage. Their cognitive development continues to increase during this period. The ability to learn new skills, understanding of concepts, begins to make sense of current events, solve problems and use of memory steadily improves. Toddlers begin to interpret the meanings of their experiences and they also have a vivid imagination. Supporting, guiding and nurturing their growing thinking skills will help them become a good problem-solver.










Between three and four, children become more sophisticated thinkers. They have a more clearer sense of time, they can count objects, and they can recall large parts of stories they have heard. Alongside these new skills, children become increasingly creative in their fantasy play. Children become increasingly capable of analyzing the world around them in more complex ways. As they observe things, they begin to sort and categorize them into different categories, often referred to as schemas. Since children are becoming much more active in the learning process, they also begin to pose questions about the world around them. "Why?" becomes a very common question around this age. Play is the natural way young children learn. Even when it looks like preschoolers are just playing, their brains are hard at work putting together vital knowledge about the world. There is no one strategy to support and teach children how to think critically. As adults, our role may sometimes be to ask open-ended questions to guide the thinking process. In other cases, it may be more appropriate to allow children to experiment and refine their theories on what causes things to happen.