Monday, May 06, 2019

UAE National Anthem
Arabic Song
اطفال ياحلوين اشربوا الحليب

To listen to the song of the week for our Babies, kindly click on the link below:
Mr Golden Sun

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup I, kindly click on the link below:
Pat a cake

To listen to the song of the week for our Playgroup II, kindly click on the link below:
Pat a cake
To listen to the song of the week for our Foundation Year, kindly click on the link below:
Hurry, hurry drive the firetruck

Active learning—the direct and immediate experiencing of objects, people, ideas, and events—is a necessary condition for cognitive restructuring and hence for development. Put simply, babies and young children learn concepts, form ideas, and create their own symbols or abstractions through self-initiated activity—moving, listening, searching, feeling, manipulating.  Newborns and older  babies reach out to explore things around them. It is through this initial interaction with their world that children develop a sense of curiosity that leads to learning.



Children’s interactions with the environment enable them to construct ideas and create a framework for thinking and learning that helps them to develop as learners. Young children learn by doing, and “active play”, which  includes both structured and unstructured activities. For children of this age-group, structured play means providing rich stimulating environments both indoors and outdoors. Adults should support the children’s exploration by being active role models: engaging in the play themselves and demonstrating different ways of playing. 


When children are actively involved in learning they are developing the mental structures that help them to think and move on; these are sometimes referred to as schemas. For preschool children, instructions should be limited to thinking about how to be safe: wearing a sunhat and sunscreen, waiting their turn on the slide, not pushing others while on the low wall. Children of this age-group start to think about managing risks for themselves: can they really climb so high or jump from such a high place? Children  always want to do more, which can motivate them to keep
trying until they master a new skill, no matter what it takes.






By this age, mostly children develop autonomy as learners by making and following through their decisions about their learning. They also benefit from direct instruction in sport or other activities. Engaging children in active learning depends on understanding and building on what each child is familiar with, knows and can do. At this age, Children are active agents who construct their own knowledge of the world as they transform their ideas and interactions into logical and intuitive sequences of thought and action, work with diverse materials to create personally meaningful experiences and outcomes, and talk about their experiences in their own words.






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