Saturday, August 28, 2021

Preparing for the 'BIG DAY'

 Preparing for the ‘BIG’ day

Preschool, nursery in RAK, EYFS, First Day at Preschool

We feel honoured that you chose Little Oxford Nursery and Day Care for your little one. We are extremely excited to have him/her in our midst. We are confident of a great year as a wonderful journey of growth, learning and development awaits your child ahead. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before starting preschool.

First day is never easy for you and your child. You never know how your child will react on being left in the nursery for the first time. He/she may just walk into the classroom without any fuss or may scream, cry or even hang onto you tightly. It won’t be easy at all. The good news is there are a few strategies to overcome the challenge of separation from you and help your child develop coping mechanisms to deal with separation anxiety.

1.      Talk to your child about starting preschool:

Before your child attends preschool, spend time talking to your child about his/her new school. With your enthusiasm, your child will develop excitement to attend preschool.

2.      Expose your child to preschool activities:

Before starting preschool, introduce your child to activities that usually take place in a preschool setting for eg: paper tearing, scribbling, painting etc. On seeing similar material and activity in the classroom, your child will be comfortable and will easily get engaged.

3.      Establish a routine:

Have a daily routine chalked out for your child. A well – defined routines such as regular sleep and wake up timings; brushing teeth; combing hair; getting dressed, and having breakfast and meals on time. You will get a clear idea of the times he/she feels hungry, gets tired, and is playful at a particular time of the day. These can be communicated to your child’s teacher and caretaker and your child won’t feel the change of place overwhelming. Thus it will make transition from home to school easier.

4.      Plan your visit to the preschool:

Before your child starts preschool, schedule a couple of play dates at your child’s preschool. By doing so, your child will familiarize with the adults in the setting, classroom, and will feel encouraged to interact with them. Your child will explore and observe the unfamiliar place and when left on the first day, the anxiety would be taken much care of.

5.      Stay clam:

Kids are very smart. They sense your emotional state very well and it reflects on their behavior. If you are calm while dropping your child, your child will be more confident, calmer and much in control of his / her emotions.

6.      Arrange for separation times:

In order for your child to cope effectively with separation anxiety, start practicing separation from your child. Begin with few minutes and then progress to shorter intervals and may be even to half days. Take help from a family member, friend, a trusted neighbor or from your child’s favourite play mate’s parents. This separation will instill in him a sense of security, assurance and independence which is crucial in overcoming separation anxiety.

7.      Have a Goodbye ritual:

A Goodbye ritual could be a high five, a tight hug, three kisses, a tight handshake or a special phrase. Practice these when leaving your child during separation times or even while tucking your child into bed. These rituals give your child an assurance that you are near and will be back soon. 

8.      Rest assured:

Your child is growing a little each day. With all these strategies in a place, your child will vibrate with confidence and will soon get started with his business of ‘PLAY and LEARN’.


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